How Event Venues in Kenya Ensure Visitors' Safety During Covid-19 Pandemic
Event venues in Kenya are some of the businesses that are most severely hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. But as the country slowly eases restrictions, the event industry is soon going to take necessary steps toward recovery. Of course, taking care of their visitors or attendees is at the top of their priorities. Wondering how event venues in Kenya can ensure the safety and protection of people during gatherings during the pandemic? Temperature screening Event venues in Kenya also make sure to get the temperature of all visitors before they can enter. Through temperature screening, they can keep an eye out for individuals who have a high fever and appear unwell. Contact tracing Event organizers implement contact tracing measures at the entrances or admission points of the event venues in Kenya. They get their information, such as their name, phone number, and email address. That way, the health authorities can easily trace and inform those who may h...